公司擁有綜合競爭力,能在3天內完成光學設計,並在3天內做出試製模具的新產品,每月開發新產品能達80餘款,能快速为客户定製各种光學模具。公司能应对全球所有LED 光源品牌,例如:CREE、OSRAM、NICHIA、SEOUL、飞利浦、SAMSUNG、LG、CITIZEN、LUMILEDS、EDISON、SHARP、奇瀚、亿光、台积电、宏齐、量子、光宝、研晶、灏天、国星等品牌LED进行专业独特的配光設計,研发出多样化且高效能的光學透鏡,符合各个领域LED照明的需求。
公司現已推出路燈透鏡、隧道燈透鏡、 工矿灯透镜、泛光燈透鏡、舞臺燈光透鏡、廣告牌透鏡、射燈透鏡、MR16透鏡、Par30透鏡、AR111透镜、Par38透鏡、手電筒透鏡、蜡烛灯透镜、酒柜厨柜灯透镜、服装珠宝照明透镜、红外安防透镜、凸透镜、COB透镜、混光透鏡,以及特殊军用,医用照明等透镜,能夠準確達到各種角度及光型要求,實現Zui高光效、照明。
公司已顺利通过ISO 9001及TUV认证并持续有效运行,公司秉持“节能环保,品质第一,诚信是金,合作双赢”的经营理念,竭尽全力为客户提供优质、优惠、品质稳定、交期迅速极具有竞争力的光学透镜制品!
Huawang was founded in 2005 (The predecessor of Dong Guan Si Wei Plasric Metal Precision Mold Co.,Ltd ),a Private enterprise that engaged in the optical study, lens design and product development of the Mouse Lens and LED Lens. The experienced optical and mold R & D team, ultra-precision mold manufacturing machine, injection machine, Professional test equipment and over 3,000 square meters 10000 scale dust-free workshops allow us get an excellent production system with independent design, development, manufacturing and forming.
Our company has synthesized competitiveness. We can finish a new optical design within 3 days and the trial-mold samples in another 3 days. We can also develop over 80 new products monthly. Also finishing the mold at a short time.We can make professional and Special design according to universal Large scale LED manu facture, such as Cree,Osram,Edison,Lumileds,Samsung,LG,Nichia,Seoul,Citizen,Philips, Sharp, and other LED Manufacturers......
公司擁有綜合競爭力,能在3天內完成光學設計,並在3天內做出試製模具的新產品,每月開發新產品能達80餘款,能快速为客户定製各种光學模具。公司能应对全球所有LED 光源品牌,例如:CREE、OSRAM、NICHIA、SEOUL、飞利浦、SAMSUNG、LG、CITIZEN、LUMILEDS、EDISON、SHARP、奇瀚、亿光、台积电、宏齐、量子、光宝、研晶、灏天、国星等品牌LED进行专业独特的配光設計,研发出多样化且高效能的光學透鏡,符合各个领域LED照明的需求。
公司現已推出路燈透鏡、隧道燈透鏡、 工矿灯透镜、泛光燈透鏡、舞臺燈光透鏡、廣告牌透鏡、射燈透鏡、MR16透鏡、Par30透鏡、AR111透镜、Par38透鏡、手電筒透鏡、蜡烛灯透镜、酒柜厨柜灯透镜、服装珠宝照明透镜、红外安防透镜、凸透镜、COB透镜、混光透鏡,以及特殊军用,医用照明等透镜,能夠準確達到各種角度及光型要求,實現Zui高光效、照明。
公司已顺利通过ISO 9001及TUV认证并持续有效运行,公司秉持“节能环保,品质第一,诚信是金,合作双赢”的经营理念,竭尽全力为客户提供优质、优惠、品质稳定、交期迅速极具有竞争力的光学透镜制品!
Huawang was founded in 2005 (The predecessor of Dong Guan Si Wei Plasric Metal Precision Mold Co.,Ltd ),a Private enterprise that engaged in the optical study, lens design and product development of the Mouse Lens and LED Lens. The experienced optical and mold R & D team, ultra-precision mold manufacturing machine, injection machine, Professional test equipment and over 3,000 square meters 10000 scale dust-free workshops allow us get an excellent production system with independent design, development, manufacturing and forming.
Our company has synthesized competitiveness. We can finish a new optical design within 3 days and the trial-mold samples in another 3 days. We can also develop over 80 new products monthly. Also finishing the mold at a short time.We can make professional and Special design according to universal Large scale LED manu facture, such as Cree,Osram,Edison,Lumileds,Samsung,LG,Nichia,Seoul,Citizen,Philips, Sharp, and other LED Manufacturers......
- 主要经营产品:
- LED光学透镜;MR16透镜;AR111透镜;Par30/38透镜;射灯透镜;洗墙灯透镜;天花筒灯透镜;舞台灯透镜;电视透镜;广告灯箱透镜;聚光透镜;散/混光透镜;路灯透镜;蜡烛灯透镜;安防红外LED透镜;cree透镜;COB透镜;鼠标透镜;LED光学透镜加工定制;TV电视透镜
- 经营范围:
- 研发、加工、生产、销售:发光二极管、塑料透镜、照明灯具、塑料制品、液晶显示器、扫描仪、电子产品、通用机械设备及配件、条形码自动识别设备、计算机及周边设备;货物进出口(法律、行政法规禁止的项目除外;法律、行政法规限制的项目须得许可证后才能经营)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓
- 营业执照号码:
- 441900001283747
- 法人代表:
- 肖思琴
- 经营模式:
- 生产加工
- 成立时间:
- 2012-03-28
- 职员人数:
- 51人
- 注册资本:
- 16万元 (万元)
- 官方网站:
- 未提供
- 地址:广东东莞市清溪镇土桥村金桥工业区金寓二街
- 邮编:523000
- 电话:86-076987326800
- 业务员:肖思琴
- 手机:13530334353
- 传真:86 0769 87336569
- Email:huawangx@163.com